Dragon Army
Dragon Army
Dragon Army
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Dragon Army

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Messages : 272
Réputation : 3
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Age : 36
Localisation : France - Bordeaux

Rules Empty
MessageSujet: Rules   Rules Icon_minitimeMar 26 Mai - 2:28


1 - Be courteous to the Dragons and other players you always shall.
2 - The Dragons are your friends and you forgive them, even in error.
3 - Teamwork more important is than your personal score.
4 - The road to democracy you shall respect.
5 - The tag of the army of the dragon before your nickname you wear : DnA-
6 - Without hesitation you help those who ask for help.
7 - At least English you speak and french you will learn (or not jocolor ).
8 - In your life IRL you focus, before teeworlds.
9 - The word noob you do not use. (noob Juju pig )
9'- Never you shall hard-camp.
10 - These rules you shall respect!

Then you go here!

(Edited by FaFa)
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